Expecting, Post-Partum Care, Pumping

Buy, Buy Baby Buy-ble

Losing Buy, Buy Baby is a major loss to the young family community. I was lucky enough to have one nearby and am genuinely going to miss having a place to go to touch and feel baby products before I buy them.

I trusted Buy, Buy Baby to have a supply chain with quality products I could feel comfortable using with my precious little one. Parents and care givers have lost a very helpful guide in our space that will not be filled any time soon.

SO- I went to my Buy, Buy Baby on the first day of their closeout sale to gather as many brands in each department as I could for future reference. I have listed all brands I found in each department, so you may notice duplicated brands across sections. I genuinely hope this post serves as a guide for both new and experienced parents as you try to navigate an already challenging process of picking the right products for your family.

Where I was able to find the brand’s Amazon store, I included the link. This should make it pretty easy to add to a registry. My personal favorite brands are marked with an asterisk (*). Please like, share, and save to help out other parents. As an Amazon Affiliate, I earn commission on qualifying purchases.

5/10/2023 Update – I travelled to a second closing Buy, Buy Baby location and documented many additional brands.

Safety & Monitoring

This section had baby monitors, baby-proofing materials, air purifiers, humidifiers, baby gates, sound machines, pregnancy pillows, and baby loungers.


This section had infant feeding, toddler feeding, bibs, burp clothes, breast feeding, pumping, bowls and plates, pacifiers, bottles, bottle cleaning, bottle drying, sanitizing, and (oddly) post-partum belly-wraps.

Bath and Potty

Diaper pails, potty training products, infant bathtubs, toddler bathtubs, baby bath toys.

Diaper Bags


Baby blankets, crip sheets, sleep sacks, swaddles, crib mattresses, baby bedding,

Seating and Play

Pack and plays, highchairs, baby seats, baby bouncers, baby swings, baby activity mats.


Car Seats and Strollers

Baby Carriers


Baby clothing from hats, head bands, onesies, premature baby clothing, newborn clothes to toddler.

Shoes & Socks


This section is new as of 5/10/22. It includes what I found in the cribs, and baby furniture sections.

Diaper and Bath Products

Diapers, cloth diapers, wipes, cleaning supplies, bath soaps, lotions, medications, baby nail clippers, baby first aid, baby food, post-partum supplies, lactation support.


Closing Thoughts

Feel free to comment with any brands you think I’ve missed and should add as many items were sold out. This should be an awesome starting point to find great brands for your registry. I will be editing and adding to this list in the coming weeks to make it as complete as possible.

Don’t forget- you’re doing amazing putting in the effort to pick the best things for your little one. I really hope this list helps you and your family.